Sarepta Exercises its Exclusive Option to Acquire Myngonexus Therapeutics for $165M
- Sarepta exercises its option to acquire Myonexus Therapeutics- in all stock transaction for $165M with its five Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMDs) gene therapies programs i.e LGMD2E- LGMD2D- LGMD2B- LGMD2L & LGMD2C
- In May-2018 Sarepta and Myonexus collaborated to develop and advance multiple gene therapy programs for LGMD- paying $60M upfront & milestones- gaining excsluive option to acquire Myngonexus
- LGMD2E- LGMD2D- LGMD2B- LGMD2L & LGMD2C are gene therapy programs targeted for MYO-101 (P-I/II)- MYO-102 (P-I/II)- MYO-201 (P-I)- MYO-301 & MYO-103 respectively
Ref: Sarepta Therapeutics | Image: Twitter
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